Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Just Desserts

Okay, the title of this blog is a double entendre (wish I spoke French: love the sound of those words!)  I keep teasing Heather that the reason my flight was booked so much later than hers was so that I could travel First Class:  my just desserts!!  Of course, she is taking advantage of my ability to take 3 bags, each weighing up to 70 pounds---for free!!  Needless to say, her bags were all overweight, so she will owe me BIG TIME once she's over there and has all her many pairs of shoes, Heather??!

The other meaning is from dinner last night.  For the past few days we have been having "last meals," trying to have one last taste of some of our favorites.  Nothing elaborate, you understand, just good old comfort Chick-fil-A (Thanks, Mom!!) and, of course, Mexican at La Fiesta.  So after stuffing ourselves uncomfortably last night, as we're all groaning, the manager sends over a huge dessert to wish us bon voyage.  (As loyal customers, we have done our level best through the recession to keep spending our money there frequently!!)  So as not to hurt his feelings (ha-ha), we all dug in and fought to the bitter end for our share of the dessert.....forgetting all about our aching bellies in the melee.  The result of our destruction:
I had quite a miserable night after all the excess.  Now up early this morning, sitting at the computer, hoping that my tummy feels better for my long day ahead!  It will be a little while until I have internet and phone service in the UAE, especially since I'll arrive there on Thursday night, and their holy day is Friday (when everything will be closed).  I'll update my blog as soon as I can, including lots of pictures of the amazing sights...and sites!  Stay tuned in......

Bon voyage!!


Unknown said...

Glad you had a safe flight to JFK! Hang on to that computer next time; that's our only connection to you for a while! Love you, sis!!

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